Easter: how much does it cost to travel by car from Buenos Aires to Mendoza, Cordoba and the main tourist destinations

After the increase in fuels this month, Infobae conducted a survey to account for the costs of traveling also to Mar del Plata, Bariloche and Iguazu. The figures are for a user of a medium vehicle carrying super or premium gasoline


Facing the Easter holidays, many people decide to use their cars to travel within the country and enjoy inland borders, especially considering the difficulties of traveling abroad and considering that it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy dollars because of the weight gap. And while traveling through Argentina in this context of high inflation is not easy for local tourists either, it is undoubtedly the most accessible option for those who have some savings and decide to enjoy the long weekend in April.

In this context, Infobae conducted a survey to account the cost of traveling by car from Buenos Aires to some of the country's main tourist destinations, which showed that up to $28,665.7 in gasoline is needed to travel to and from Bariloche; $17,965.60 to Mendoza; up to $7,133, 40 to go to Mar del Plata; $23,381.70 to get to Puerto Iguazú, in Misiones and $12,549.50 to go to Cordoba.

Depending on how many people share the trip, it may also be a cheaper option, than the individual cost otherwise.

When getting into the car, the family budget must be taken into account. Especially considering that the purchasing power of wages is eroded by inflation, which in the last 12 years reached 52.3%, according to Indec. And also considering the rise in the price of gasoline, one of the fastest growing items in the share of total automobile expenditure.

It should be recalled that fuels increased this month. In this regard, the company YPF announced last Monday increases of 9.5% average in the price of its basic fuels and an average 11.5% in premium fuels.

Meanwhile, the president of the Argentine Chamber of Tourism (CAT), Gustavo Hani, told Infobae that there are many expectations placed on the Easter holiday 2022. “We see that demand for travel continues to increase throughout the country and we are very happy with what it means for society and what it generates for the country's economy. We come from a successful summer season, with the powerful tool of PreViaje, where the importance of tourism as an activity to prop up the provinces and generate genuine employment was demonstrated,” he said.

“In this vein we work to achieve a great tourist movement during Easter. We are convinced that this year we will continue the recovery of tourism with the boost of long weekends and getaways,” he added.

Buenos Aires - Bariloche

Traveling in a medium-sized car from Buenos Aires to Bariloche requires traveling approximately 1,640 kilometers, which means an average consumption of 217 liters. If you take into account the price of super gasoline from YPF, whose value in the City of Buenos Aires is $109.90 per liter, to come and go it is necessary to pay about $23,848.30, while if you use premium naphtha, (at $132.10 per liter) the expenditure amounts to $28,665.7. Those values rise outside of CABA.

The Bariloche Civic Center receives tourists all year round

Specialists emphasize that there may be variations in fuel consumption, depending on the maintenance of the car, such as the correct tuning of the car: tire pressure and the condition of the air and oil filters; and the way of handling.

In this case, the cost of about six tolls, for a total of $511.71, must be added to the expense.

Buenos Aires — Mendoza

For those who choose the mountains and vineyards as an attraction, and decide to visit the province of Cuyana, they will need to travel about 1,047 kilometers per section, which means an average consumption of 136 liters of gasoline in a medium-sized car.

Mendoza tourism
To get to the land of wine from Buenos Aires it is necessary to travel about 1,047 kilometers per section

Thus, the calculation of expenditure for vehicles moving at 110 kilometers per hour shows that loading super gasoline amounts to $14,946.40, while with premium gasoline, the cost rises to 17,965.60 pesos.

This destination must be charged the cost of one 10 tolls that total about $831.71 per section.

Buenos Aires - Mar del Plata

The Costa Party is always a great option, even in autumn. And in that sense, Mar del Plata is, like every year, among the most visited destinations for reservations.

Mar del Plata remains a classic for Argentinian families when it comes to choosing a tourist destination (Shutterstock)

The distance from the City of Buenos Aires is approximately 414 kilometers by Provincial Route 2, which implies a consumption of 54 liters to travel round trip. In this case, you need to shell out about $5,934.60 if you load super gasoline and about $7,133.40 if you consume premium.

To reach the happy one must take into account the expenditure on five tolls, which in total accumulate about $457.71 one-way.

Buenos Aires — Cordoba

This province, accessed from Buenos Aires via National Route 9, is also one of the most popular destinations in Argentina when it comes to sightseeing.

Cordoba Visit Argentina
The mountains of Córdoba tend to be an attraction for tourists at all times of the year (Credit Prensa Visit Argentina)

In this case, from CABA you must travel about 700 kilometers to reach the capital of Córdoba, which implies a fuel consumption of 95 liters to travel the 1,400 km required to go and return. In this way, you need to spend about $10,440.50 if you charge super and about $12,549.50 in case you charge premium gasoline.

To get to la docta, it is necessary to add to the budget about six tolls totaling $611.71 per section.

Buenos Aires — Iguazu

Finally, those who want to visit or revisit the Iguazu Falls in Misiones and go by car will have to travel about 2,600 kilometers to and from Buenos Aires, so they will consume 177 liters of gasoline. So if you load super gasoline you will have to pay $19,450.30 and in the case of the most expensive gasoline you will have to have $23,381.70.

In this case, it is necessary to consider spending on eight tolls that total $901.71.

The Iguazu Falls on the Argentine side - © Nicholas Tinelli _ Argentina Photo Workshops
The Iguazu Falls on the Argentine side - © Nicholas Tinelli/Argentina Photo Workshops

Other expenses when traveling by car

It should be noted that the total cost serves as a reference and that the investment consists of a series of standard values that includes the engraving of auto parts (mandatory by Law 3,708) whose value established in the City is $3,000, in addition to the cost, also in CABA, of the Technical Vehicle Verification (VTV) of $4,024 for cars.

The VTV procedure is compulsory for private vehicles up to 3,500 kilos, more than three years old or more than 60 thousand kilometres old. The requirements are to have the ID card, the current driver's license and the vehicle insurance in force. It is also necessary to have a proof of payment corresponding to the shift reservation. And with the green or blue card, in case of a third party.

For the engraving of auto parts, the procedure must be carried out by all owners of motor vehicles located in the City. The requirements are to have the title or green/blue ID card and valid ID. Once the procedure is done, you will be given a form and a wafer identifying that the vehicle is engraved.

Required documentation

It is also important to keep in mind what documentation is necessary to have in order to be able to travel both on national and provincial routes, as well as on streets and highways.

The National Road Safety Agency notified that the mandatory documentation for driving consists of a valid driver's license and enabling the type of vehicle, DNI, vehicle identification card (blue or green card), wafer and certificate of the Compulsory Technical Review (according to legislation where it is located) the vehicle), current proof of the compulsory insurance policy against third parties, both patent plates placed visible, unaltered, in good condition and in appropriate place, proof of payment of the vehicle's settlement tax (patent) and proof and valid wafer for vehicles with CNG.


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