The Uruguayan Minister of Economy was chosen as the “best minister of state” in the world by a global NGO
Azucena Arbeleche was noted for its “excellence in its performance in the public sector and leadership at the international level”
The Uruguayan Minister of Economy was chosen as the “best minister of state” in the world by a global NGO
Azucena Arbeleche was noted for its “excellence in its performance in the public sector and leadership at the international level”
Il Ministro dell'Economia uruguaiano è stato scelto come il «miglior ministro di Stato» al mondo da una ONG globale
Azucena Arbeleche è stata notata per la sua «eccellenza nelle sue prestazioni nel settore pubblico e leadership a livello internazionale»
Der uruguayische Wirtschaftsminister wurde von einer globalen NGO zum „besten Staatsminister“ der Welt gewählt
Azucena Arbeleche war bekannt für seine „hervorragende Leistung im öffentlichen Sektor und seine Führung auf internationaler Ebene“
La ministra de Economía uruguaya fue elegida como la “mejor ministra de Estado” del mundo por una ONG global
Azucena Arbeleche fue destacada por su “excelencia en su desempeño en el sector público y liderazgo a nivel internacional”