Одна з суб'єктів сільської місцевості попередила, що з більшим контролем цін та ринками втрутиться, буде більше інфляції

Аргентинські сільські конфедерації вказали, що заходи, оголошені урядом минулих вихідних, спричинять меншу пропозицію. Вони закликають до антиінфляційного плану
Одна з суб'єктів сільської місцевості попередила, що з більшим контролем цін та ринками втрутиться, буде більше інфляції

One of the entities in the countryside warned that with more price controls and markets intervened there will be more inflation

The Argentine Rural Confederations indicated that the measures announced by the Government last weekend will cause a lower supply. They call for an anti-inflation plan
One of the entities in the countryside warned that with more price controls and markets intervened there will be more inflation

Broad agro-industrial rejection of increased retention of soy by-products and the creation of the Wheat Fund

Agro-industry sectors, milling SMEs reacted critically to the measures announced in recent hours by the Government. They argue that they will not increase production or benefit consumers. They propose to work on the basis of agreements. Opposition project
Broad agro-industrial rejection of increased retention of soy by-products and the creation of the Wheat Fund

Julián Domínguez highlighted the increase in the record of wheat exports, but said that the price of bread is borne by Roberto Feletti

At a press conference, the official defended the increase in oil and soybean meal retentions and denied that raw material retentions would increase, but declined on the effectiveness of the “stabilizing fund” run by the Ministry of Internal Trade
Julián Domínguez highlighted the increase in the record of wheat exports, but said that the price of bread is borne by Roberto Feletti

War on inflation: the Government formalized the increase in withholdings and created the Stabilization Fund

After Alberto Fernández's speech, during the early morning the increase in export duties for flour and soybean oil was confirmed, and progress was made with a trust that seeks to control the price of wheat
War on inflation: the Government formalized the increase in withholdings and created the Stabilization Fund

Alberto Fernández rules out a conflict with the countryside and negotiates an agreement to prevent the increase in withholding

The president is trying to ensure that the increase in commodities due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine does not impact domestic food prices and accelerate inflationary levels in Argentina
Alberto Fernández rules out a conflict with the countryside and negotiates an agreement to prevent the increase in withholding

Retentions: The bad mood of producers grows and the camp leadership talks about “another 125″

The president of the Argentine Rural Society argued that the unrest in the interior is great. Producers already organize assemblies, in rejection of official policy towards the sector
Retentions: The bad mood of producers grows and the camp leadership talks about “another 125″

The Government said that the withholdings on corn, soy and wheat will not increase, but did not clarify what will happen to flour and soybean oil

Gabriela Cerruti said it in Casa Rosada. Martín Guzman was in the same vein during his presentation to the Senate for the agreement with the IMF
The Government said that the withholdings on corn, soy and wheat will not increase, but did not clarify what will happen to flour and soybean oil