Increasing pressure on the countryside: the State already takes $65 out of every 100 pesos that a producer generates
These are data from the Agricultural Foundation for Development of Argentina. In the first quarter of the year, the State peso grew by 1.7%, compared to the last three months of 2021. Concerns about rising costs and withholdings, and the effects of drought

Following the increase in withholdings and the creation of the wheat fund, how is the relationship between the countryside and the Government
Oil companies are considering bringing to justice the illegality of increased retentions on soy by-products. In addition, the Liaison Table seeks to meet with the different political forces of Congress, while protests by producers in the interior continue

We are at war
The Government's problem in dealing with inflation is not only ideological: it is also characterized by a lack of understanding of reality rarely seen

After the Senate, the IMF Board will meet urgently to approve the agreement, although it will emphasize the risks facing the country
The Executive expects that, once the debt law is passed in the Senate, there will be an imminent meeting in Washington to validate the technical agreement and thus avoid the payment of USD 2,781 million next week. The date is not yet defined. The key role of the Russian representative in the board

The increase in withholdings on value-added products of soy goes against the agreement with the IMF
The decision to raise export taxes on soybean meal and oil contradicts the Fund's demand to accelerate devaluation in order to improve the exchange rate for exporters and build up reserves. What does the text being debated in the Senate say

Exporters rushed to liquidate their currencies because of fear of a rise in withholdings and the exchange rate collapsed
Yesterday the market experienced something unusual. The price of financial dollars was below that of the “solidarity dollar”

Withholding increase: In need of dollars, the government faces a decision that reignites its fight with the countryside
The Executive Branch is preparing an increase in withholding of these derivatives by 2 percentage points, from 31 to 33 percent, which would allow more dollars to enter the State coffers, while the agricultural sector is on alert and warns that it will mobilize against

Only Congress can set withholding on the field
Casa Rosada has been using a legal tool that is contrary to what is established in our Constitution

The added value of the economy is certainty
The amount that the Government would collect by raising the withholdings to the countryside is approximately USD 400 million, too little to stop the country's much-needed inflow of foreign exchange. In addition, in key provinces such as Córdoba and Santa Fe, it discourages investment and industrialization

Soybean oil and flour withholding increase: Government would raise only $425 million extra
A 2 percentage point increase in export duties on value-added soy products will not have a fiscal decisive impact, according to a report by the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange