Winter Sports World: Uncertainty persists, but alpine skiing race directors assure that everything is on course for Beijing 2022
International Ski Federation women’s race director Peter Gerdol provides an update about final onsite preparations at the Yanqing alpine ski venue. Ski racers attempt to embrace the unknown elements that they will encounter in China

Winter Sports World: Canadian Olympic champion leads Chinese bobsleigh team towards Beijing Games
Pierre Lueders assumed the role of head coach of the Chinese program in April 2018. The 1998 Olympic two-man bobsleigh champion is guiding China’s top pilots and pushers along an incremental learning curve to February 2022. Lueders on a possible Chinese Olympic medal: “It’s not impossible, that’s for sure”

WINTER SPORTS WORLD: Uncharted Olympic course lies ahead for alpine skiers and new FIS leadership
International Ski Federation president Johan Eliasch speaks with Around the Rings about the diplomatic boycott, continuing venue preparations and executing successful competition, despite the uncertainties and unknowns of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games

WINTER SPORTS WORLD: 2030 Winter Games host selection appears on course to become a snowy, two-sled race
Salt Lake City bid group meets virtually with Thomas Bach and the IOC, while Sapporo leaders refine bid and budget. Both regions offer lots of snow!

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