They release a man caught with 2,074 hicotean turtles
The judge's decision was recorded because the crime that was charged to the citizen does not generate a sentence greater than four years in prison, so he is released from prison

Marmoset was stoned to death by a man who kidnapped him along with his calf to sell them as a pet
The authorities captured the person responsible, who was fined and will have to answer for wildlife trafficking.

They capture a citizen who was carrying more than 2,000 turtles on a public transport bus
The specimens seized were hycoteous turtles (trachemys callirostris), which are being examined for release back to their natural habitat

Wildlife trafficking: 21 people captured in Bogotá and Medellin, more than a thousand exotic animals were seized
Police operations prevented illegal trafficking through 18 activities related to the shipping and concealment of species

They find a crocodile in a house in Ecatepec
Civil Protection of the municipality, reported on the rescue of a swamp crocodile in the San Agustín neighborhood, which was transferred to the Ehécatl Ecological Park

Illegal trade in wildlife moves between 20 and 40 billion euros a year, said the Ministry of Environment
According to the entity, in 2021, 18,636 individuals of fauna and 282,147 of flora were seized in Colombia, which represented 2325 captures.

They rescued 487 hicotean turtles that would be consumed at Easter
So far this year, in the department of Córdoba, more than 1,000 illegally traded turtles have been saved; however, days before Major Week, traffic in these turtles increases despite regulations from environmental authorities

They seized 143 tarantulas that were to be illegally exported from Bogotá to Mexico
The animals were inside a chess game, in plastic bags, which did not allow them adequate ventilation. 131 animals were still alive, but 12 were dead

They seized 143 tarantulas that were to be illegally exported from Bogotá to Mexico
The animals were inside a chess game, in plastic bags, which did not allow them adequate ventilation. 131 animals were still alive, but 12 were dead

Colombia presents achievements in environmental justice at the OECD
The Colombian Government, in its meeting with the member countries of the organization, will highlight the Environmental Crime Act passed in 2021. Environment Minister Carlos Eduardo Correa will meet with environmental officials from several countries around the world