
Milei retira a Argentina de la OMS, imitando la medida de Trump

Reportajes Especiales - News

Milei retira a Argentina de

La OMS declara emergencia de salud mundial por un nuevo brote de viruela símica

Reportajes Especiales - News

La OMS declara emergencia de

Marta Cohen in Buenos Aires: „Diese Pandemie hätte verhindert werden können“

Der argentinische pädiatrische Pathologe, der der Welt die Pandemie vom Vereinigten Königreich am besten mitteilte, sprach mit Infobae und analysierte rückblickend die Mythen, Erfolge und Fehler des COVID-19-Gesundheitsmanagements. Was wird kommen


ब्यूनस आयर्स में मार्ता कोहेन: “इस महामारी को रोका जा सकता था”

अर्जेंटीना के बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ, जिन्होंने यूनाइटेड किंगडम से दुनिया में महामारी का सबसे अच्छा संचार किया, इन्फोबे के साथ बात की और COVID-19 स्वास्थ्य प्रबंधन के मिथकों, सफलताओं और त्रुटियों का पूर्वव्यापी विश्लेषण किया। क्या आएगा


부에노스 아이레스의 마르타 코헨: “이 전염병을 예방할 수 있었을 것”

영국에서 세계로 전염병을 가장 잘 전달한 아르헨티나 소아 병리학자는 Infobae와 이야기를 나누고 COVID-19 건강 관리의 신화, 성공 및 오류에 대한 후 향적 분석을 수행했습니다.무엇이 올지


Marta Cohen in Buenos Aires: “This pandemic could have been prevented”

The Argentinian pediatric pathologist who best communicated the pandemic from the United Kingdom to the world spoke with Infobae and did a retrospective analysis of the myths, successes and errors of COVID-19 health management. What will come


WHO confirmed 169 cases and one death from new acute childhood hepatitis of unknown origin

Most infections were recorded in the United Kingdom, in addition to 10 other countries. A liver transplant was needed in 10% of patients

WHO confirmed 169 cases and

WHO는 COVID-19 에 대한 화이자 항 바이러스제 사용을 강력히 권장했습니다:이 치료를 받아야하는 사람

그것은 약으로 복용 할 수있는 약 Paxlovid에 관한 것입니다.입원 위험이 높은 경증에서 중등도의 COVID-19 환자를 대상으로 합니다.

WHO는 COVID-19 에 대한 화이자

WHO strongly recommended the use of Pfizer's antiviral against COVID-19: who should receive this treatment

It's about the drug Paxlovid, which can be taken in pills. It is intended for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19, at increased risk of hospital admission

WHO strongly recommended the use

Why you can lose sight of the new variants that emerge from the coronavirus

WHO issued an alert on changes that Ómicron is undergoing such as BA.4 and BA.5, and warns that testing and monitoring of the pathogen should not be reduced

Why you can lose sight