Sergio Higuita, „Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich heute sehr gut abschneiden konnte“ in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Der kolumbianische Bora-Läufer überraschte in Katalonien eine große Überraschung, nachdem er mit Richard Carapaz einen langen Ausflug hinter sich hatte
Sergio Higuita, „Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich heute sehr gut abschneiden konnte“ in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita, «Sono molto felice di essere riuscito a fare molto bene oggi» in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Il corridore colombiano della Bora ha dato una grande sorpresa in Catalogna dopo aver ottenuto una lunga fuga con Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita, «Sono molto felice di essere riuscito a fare molto bene oggi» in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita, “I am very happy that I was able to do very well today” in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

The Colombian Bora runner gave a big surprise in Catalonia after achieving a long getaway with Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita, “I am very happy that I was able to do very well today” in Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita, “Estou muito feliz por ter conseguido me sair muito bem hoje” na Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

O corredor colombiano Bora deu uma grande surpresa na Catalunha depois de conseguir uma longa fuga com Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita, “Estou muito feliz por ter conseguido me sair muito bem hoje” na Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita novo líder da classificação geral e Nairo é o quarto após a etapa 6 da Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Os dois colombianos foram os principais protagonistas do dia na etapa 6 da rodada catalã, vencida pelo equatoriano Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita novo líder da classificação geral e Nairo é o quarto após a etapa 6 da Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita new leader of the general standings and Nairo is fourth after stage 6 of the Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

The two Colombians were the main protagonists of the day in stage 6 of the Catalan round, which was won by Ecuadorian Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita new leader of the general standings and Nairo is fourth after stage 6 of the Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita nuovo leader della classifica generale e Nairo è quarto dopo la sesta tappa della Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

I due colombiani sono stati i principali protagonisti della giornata nella sesta tappa del round catalano, che è stata vinta dall'ecuadoriano Richard Carapaz
Sergio Higuita nuovo leader della classifica generale e Nairo è quarto dopo la sesta tappa della Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Sergio Higuita neuer Anführer der Gesamtwertung und Nairo ist Vierter nach der sechsten Etappe der Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Die beiden Kolumbianer waren die Hauptprotagonisten des Tages in der sechsten Etappe der katalanischen Runde, die vom Ecuadorianer Richard Carapaz gewonnen wurde
Sergio Higuita neuer Anführer der Gesamtwertung und Nairo ist Vierter nach der sechsten Etappe der Vuelta a Catalunya 2022

Nairo Quintana, new leader of the Vuelta a Catalunya: “I am very excited a decade later to return to the podium”

The Colombian had already been in the top places in the Catalan competition, as mountain champion
Nairo Quintana, new leader of the Vuelta a Catalunya: “I am very excited a decade later to return to the podium”

Nairo Quintana, new leader of the Vuelta a Catalunya: “I am very excited a decade later to return to the podium”

The Colombian had already been in the top places in the Catalan competition, as mountain champion
Nairo Quintana, new leader of the Vuelta a Catalunya: “I am very excited a decade later to return to the podium”