Joe Biden se retira de la contienda presidencial
Reportajes Especiales - News

Google veröffentlicht Notfall-Update für seinen Chrome-Browser
Google hat eine neue Version seines Chrome-Browsers angekündigt, die Nutzer so schnell wie möglich installieren sollten. Das Unternehmen warnt davor, dass das Update eine Sicherheitslücke im Browser beseitigt, für die bereits Softwaretools für böswillige Zwecke im Internet gefunden wurden.

Google releases emergency update for its Chrome browser
Google has announced a new version of its Chrome browser that users should install as soon as possible. The company warns that the update will eliminate a vulnerability in the browser for the use of which software tools for malicious purposes have already been found on the Internet.

Google veröffentlicht Notfall-Update für seinen Chrome-Browser
Google hat eine neue Version seines Chrome-Browsers angekündigt, die Nutzer so schnell wie möglich installieren sollten. Das Unternehmen warnt davor, dass das Update eine Sicherheitslücke im Browser beseitigt, für die bereits Softwaretools für böswillige Zwecke im Internet gefunden wurden.

Google releases emergency update for its Chrome browser
Google has announced a new version of its Chrome browser that users should install as soon as possible. The company warns that the update will eliminate a vulnerability in the browser for the use of which software tools for malicious purposes have already been found on the Internet.

ATR First: New PanamSports Website Makes Debut at ANOC
(ATR) PanamSports leaders will hear updates on organization's revitalization efforts at general assembly in Prague.

Beijing 2022 Promises 'Green, Inclusive, Open and Clean Games'
(ATR) Organizers of the 2022 Winter Olympics say their sustainability efforts will not go unnoticed at the Games.

Golden Opportunities -- Business Never Stops!
(ATR) On this Valentine's Day, fall in love with all new jobs, professional conferences, media information, and more from this week's Golden Opportunities!

Diamond Race Update After 10 Meetings - IAAF Diamond League
The headlines last weekend may have been dominated by Genzebe Dibaba's world record, but the Monaco leg of the IAAF Diamond League also laid the groundwork for a thrilling end to the 2015 track and field season.
PyeongChang Delegation "Observing and Learning" at Universiade
(ATR) PyeongChang 2018 leadership is onsite in Gwangju, South Korea for the 2015 Summer Universiade.