Ana Sanguinetti, mother of Stephanie Cayo, lashes out at users who criticize the actress
Stephanie Cayo's progenitor endorsed the Peruvian actress after the harsh comments she received for her role in 'Until we meet again'.

Magaly Solier risponde ai paragoni che squalificano Stephanie Cayo
Dopo aver annunciato il ritorno sul grande schermo con il film Lina a Lima, gli utenti non hanno esitato a confrontarlo con Stephanie Cayo, che ha recentemente pubblicato Until We Meet Again.

Magaly Solier responds to comparisons that disqualify Stephanie Cayo
After announcing the return to the big screen with the film Lina in Lima, users did not hesitate to compare it with Stephanie Cayo, who recently released Until We Meet Again.

Peruvian producer asks Stephanie Cayo for humility and she responds: “Focus on you”
Juan Limo, Peruvian producer, dedicated a message to Stephanie Cayo asking for humility, as not everyone has the same opportunity she had when appearing on Netflix. He even accused her of belonging to an audiovisual ring.

La produttrice peruviana chiede umiltà a Stephanie Cayo e lei risponde: «Concentrati su di te»
Juan Limo, produttore peruviano, ha dedicato un messaggio a Stephanie Cayo chiedendo umiltà, in quanto non tutti hanno la stessa opportunità che aveva quando appariva su Netflix. L'ha persino accusata di appartenere a un anello audiovisivo.

“Until we meet again” becomes a trend on Netflix and enters the Top 10 in more than 70 countries
The film starring Stephanie Cayo and Maxi Iglesias has captivated foreign audiences with its love story set in Cusco.

Rodrigo González and his criticism of 'Until we meet again': “I didn't like it, it's a sucker”
Rodrigo González recommended Tondero, a Peruvian producer who recorded 'Until we meet again', to invest more in screenwriters.

Stephanie Cayo difende Bruno Ascenzo dalle critiche: «Nessuno ci ha dato niente»
La prima di «Until we meet again», il primo film peruviano prodotto da Netflix, ha suscitato polemiche sin dalla sua uscita.

Stephanie Cayo defends Bruno Ascenzo against criticism: “Nobody has given us anything”
The premiere of “Until we meet again”, the first Peruvian film produced by Netflix, caused controversy since its release.

Stephanie Cayo explodes against detractors: “Get off Twitter and get to work”
Actress Stephanie Cayo pointed out that she normally takes all the bullying she has been receiving through social networks after starring in 'Until we meet again'. However, he left a message to Twitter users.