Eröffnung des FTSE 100 (UK) am 18. März
Dies sind die wichtigsten Daten, auf die Sie bei der Entwicklung dieses Vermögenswerts achten sollten.
Opening of the FTSE 100 (UK) on March 18
These are the most important data to pay attention to about the evolution of this asset
FTSE 100(英国)の3月18日のオープニング
Apertura del FTSE 100 (Regno Unito) il 18 marzo
Questi sono i dati più importanti a cui prestare attenzione sull'evoluzione di questo asset
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase
Opened FTSE 100 (UK) on March 16
Start a positive day: 1.19% increase