¿Dolor lumbar? No hay mucho que lo alivie, según un nuevo estudio
Reportajes Especiales - Lifestyle

Los medicamentos de acción prolongada podrían revolucionar la prevención y el tratamiento del VIH
Casi 30 años después de la introducción de la terapia antirretroviral combinada, aún existen barreras significativas en el acceso al tratamiento de esta enfermedad. La próxima generación de fármacos de acción prolongada, podría ofrecer soluciones más eficaces y prácticas. Los detalles

Due to the pandemic, there are patients with tuberculosis who arrive with advanced diagnosis in Argentina
Sixty percent of patients are between 15 and 39 years old. If the infection is detected in time, it can be completely cured. What needs to be taken into account

30% of those who had coronavirus may develop persistent COVID, says new study
Tiredness, shortness of breath and loss of smell are the most common sequelae. It was detected by research from the University of California at Los Angeles, what differences did they find in patients

What are the 6 effective treatments to quit tobacco smoking
Experts from 13 medical societies in Argentina reviewed studies and gave recommendations. Which products do not have scientific endorsement