Transparency International

Ética para brindar custodia a políticos con fondos públicos

En Argentina, la asignación de escoltas a funcionarios, legisladores y jueces a menudo carece de justificación en amenazas verificables, lo que deja en evidencia la urgencia de implementar estándares de transparencia y rendición de cuentas

Ética para brindar custodia a

La ONG Transparency International condenó la orden de arresto contra su director en Rusia

El ataque a Ilya Shumanov se enmarca en una estrategia del Kremlin más amplia de intimidación y desmantelamiento de organizaciones que luchan contra la corrupción

La ONG Transparency International condenó

Persecución en Rusia: el Kremlin emitió una orden de arresto contra el director de Transparencia Internacional en el país

Ilya Shumanov había sido incluido en el registro de agentes extranjeros individuales el 21 de octubre de 2022

Persecución en Rusia: el Kremlin

ICSS Establishes Special Investigations Unit Led by Top Anti-Corruption Experts

Dedicated unit created by ICSS to provide investigation and training services to sports industry.


IOC Offers Explanation for Perceived Lack of Whistleblower Activity

(ATR) The IOC responds to an article challenging the independence and scope of its whistleblower program.

IOC Offers Explanation for Perceived

ICSS Creating Global Standards for Sports Governance -- ATRadio

(ATR) Group CEO of ICSS Michael Hershman says the center wants better governance standards throughout international sports.

ICSS Creating Global Standards for

Michael Hershman announced as Group CEO of the International Centre for Sport Security

The International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) has announced the appointment of Michael Hershman, co-founder of Transparency International, as Group CEO.

Michael Hershman announced as Group

Infantino Under Fire From Inside and Outside FIFA

(ATR) FIFA president Gianni Infantino is being criticized for a decision that lessens independence of compliance and ethics committees.

Infantino Under Fire From Inside

FIFA: Not One Candidate Pledges Adequate Steps to Prevent Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

“Let’s be clear. There is no time to waste in taking action to prevent human rights abuses linked to the World Cups in Russia in 2018 and Qatar in 2022” – Sylvia Schenk, Transparency International Germany


Anti-corruption Body Blasts Secretive FIFA Federations

(ATR) A new report from Transparency International says most of FIFA’s 209 member associations publish little or no information about how they spend millions of dollars from world football’s governing body.

Anti-corruption Body Blasts Secretive FIFA