Miguel Ángel López bets on a new business in Boyacá

The Colombian cyclist, who recently completed his participation in the Tour of the Alps, continues to undertake, this time with a glamping.
Miguel Ángel López bets on a new business in Boyacá

Alps Tour 2022: Bardet champion, Buitrago eighth overall and Esteban Chaves retired

Einer Rubio finished in the top 15, this is how the Colombians were classified at the end of the race
Alps Tour 2022: Bardet champion, Buitrago eighth overall and Esteban Chaves retired

Esteban Chaves remains the best Colombian in the Tour of the Alps

The national rider was placed in the number 10 box after the third stage of the European race
Esteban Chaves remains the best Colombian in the Tour of the Alps

'Superman' Lopez's poor results in the Tour of the Alps call into question his lead in the Giro d'Italia

The Colombian cyclist finished in box number 76, after the end of the second stage of the European race
'Superman' Lopez's poor results in the Tour of the Alps call into question his lead in the Giro d'Italia

Esteban Chaves, the best Colombian in the second stage of the Alps Tour

Chaves and his compatriot Einer Rubio are in the top 10 overall of the European race
Esteban Chaves, the best Colombian in the second stage of the Alps Tour

This is how the Colombians did in the first stage of the Tour of the Alps

Astana's national rider, Miguel Ángel Lopez, ranked number 12, after finishing the first fraction of the European race
This is how the Colombians did in the first stage of the Tour of the Alps

This will be the five stages of the Alps Tour that Miguel Ángel López will play

The race will start on Monday, April 18. 'Superman' is one of the favorites in the title
This will be the five stages of the Alps Tour that Miguel Ángel López will play

The Colombian cyclists who would go to the Alps Tour 2022

Miguel Ángel López and other Colombians would be taking the start in the Italian competition in search of finishing the preparation for the Giro d'Italia. Éiner Rubio has already been confirmed by the Movistar Team
The Colombian cyclists who would go to the Alps Tour 2022

This will be Superman López's next race before facing the Giro d'Italia

The Colombian cyclist will continue his preparation for the first big round of the season, which will start in less than a month
This will be Superman López's next race before facing the Giro d'Italia