
Rating Colombia Thursday, April 21: 'Challenge The Box' and 'Las Villamizar', the favorite productions of the Colombians

Both the sports competition reality series and the period soap opera are presented to the Colombian audience on behalf of Caracol Televisión

Rating Colombia Thursday, April 21:

Kolumbien Mittwoch, 20. April: 'Las Villamizar' klettert einen Platz in den Top 10

Die Telenovela, die von Caracol Televisión der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wurde, wurde am 18. April veröffentlicht

Kolumbien Mittwoch, 20. April: 'Las

Rating Colombia Wednesday, April 20: 'Las Villamizar' climbs one place in the Top 10

The telenovela, presented to the public by Caracol Televisión, was released on April 18

Rating Colombia Wednesday, April 20:

Rating Colombia Monday, April 18: this is how 'Las Villamizar' did in its premiere

The period novel is the replacement of a bio-novel by Caracol Televisión 'Arelys Henao: song not to cry', which concluded last Wednesday, April 13

Rating Colombia Monday, April 18:

Bewertung Kolumbien Dienstag, 12. April: Caracol Televisión in den meisten Positionen präsent

Zu diesem Ostern haben Produktionen wie „MasterChef Celebrity Colombia“ spezielle Folgen präsentiert

Bewertung Kolumbien Dienstag, 12. April:

Rating Colombia Tuesday, April 12: Caracol Televisión present in most positions

For this Easter, productions such as 'MasterChef Celebrity Colombia' have presented special episodes

Rating Colombia Tuesday, April 12:

Rating Colombia Monday, April 11: 'Arelys Henao: I sing not to cry', in its final stretch, is in first place

Once the bionovela concludes, the Colombian audience will be able to see 'Las Villamizar' as their replacement

Rating Colombia Monday, April 11:

Bewertung Kolumbien Donnerstag, 7. April: Senate News war besser abgestimmt als MasterChef Celebrity

In Bezug auf die gastronomische Reality-Show sah das kolumbianische Publikum in seinem letzten Kapitel die Entwicklung einer neuen „Elimination Challenge“

Bewertung Kolumbien Donnerstag, 7. April:

Rating Colombia Thursday, April 7: Senate News was more attuned than MasterChef Celebrity

Regarding the gastronomic reality show, in its most recent chapter the Colombian audience saw the development of a new 'Elimination Challenge'

Rating Colombia Thursday, April 7:

Rating Colombia Wednesday, April 6: This is how the productions of Caracol Televisión and RCN went

Among the new productions that Caracol has scheduled to offer its audience is 'Las Villamizar', whose release will be “soon”

Rating Colombia Wednesday, April 6: