The Latest Technology

Google Chrome is the most used browser in the world: here is the complete list

The Google search engine has, according to a study, just over 64% of the world market
Google Chrome is the most

Earth Day: technology industry also reached the eco friendly era with recycled materials

Computers, keyboards, cell phones and appliances made with biodegradable, recycled products and other initiatives, to reduce carbon footprint
Earth Day: technology industry also

Started the implementation of chips in the hands to make payments

In order to prevent people from taking out their bulky wallets and risk losing them at any time, you can already pay by swiping your hand over the collection device
Started the implementation of chips

Pegasus, the spy program that hacked journalists, politicians and celebrities

Spyware allows the intruder to compile messages from third-party mail apps such as WhatsApp content and messages, Gmail, Facebook or Telegram emails
Pegasus, the spy program that

LinkedIn, for the first time ever, is the social network most supplanted by cybercriminals

Cyber hackers usually prefer social media to apply social engineering tactics, and the professional profiling platform went from 8% to 52% in a few months
LinkedIn, for the first time

How to free up space on WhatsApp

The file manager allows you to manage content with ease. In addition, the step by step to prevent all the photos and videos that are received in the mobile gallery from being downloaded
How to free up space

Zoom brings changes to gesture recognition for PC, emojis come to life

Zoom also brings new features to the Whiteboard, improved interactions during video calls, activates one-time passwords and more
Zoom brings changes to gesture

An option to revolutionize the development of mobile video games

NFG allows you to disaggregate game code, events and art to create multiple versions of games, connecting mobile and Web 3.0
An option to revolutionize the

Why too much notification is killing productivity at work

More than a third of workers are overwhelmed by constant alerts, report says
Why too much notification is

How to remove water residue when an iPhone or iPad gets wet

The trick can be done from the Shortcuts application, with a series of very simple steps to follow to configure it correctly
How to remove water residue