Venezuela's congratulations to Nicaragua for “triumph” against Colombia in the Hague ruling
The foreign minister of the neighbouring country, Felix Plasencia, welcomed the final decision of the International Court of Justice in the dispute over rights in the Caribbean Sea

What happens in the dispute with Nicaragua after the Hague ruling
Tension between the two countries increased after the ruling of the court of justice, Infobae consulted with several internationalists about the future of the dispute and the possibilities of the Nicaraguan regime attacking a Colombian vessel

“The Colombian government is incapable, we can talk”: San Andrés fishermen's representative in the face of the Hague ruling
This leader doubts the diligence of the National Government and concludes that the community can establish agreements with Nicaragua

“Government deceives Colombians by showing defeat as a victory”: Rodrigo Lara on The Hague ruling
The Senator of Cambio Radical said that the statements of Carlos Gustavo Arrieta, an agent of Colombia in the dispute against Nicaragua, “offend the intelligence of Colombians.” Other senators also referred to the decision of the International Court

“It is better to live decades of diplomatic tensions than to hand over a millimeter of the sea of the Motherland”: Uribe referred to the ruling of the court in The Hague
The former president expressed his annoyance at several points in the court's ruling, although he highlighted the factors that benefited the country

What are the practical consequences of the ruling against Colombia issued this Thursday by the Hague court
Despite the fact that territorial aspects were not defined in this case, crucial issues were dealt with for the populations of raizales

How to understand the dispute that has been facing Colombia and Nicaragua before The Hague for 20 years
Following the most recent ruling by the International Court of Justice, the dispute is still more relevant than ever. Learn the chronology of the events that have both countries in the territorial dispute.

“We will not allow any rights of the raizal community to be limited”: President Iván Duque referred to the Hague ruling
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) concluded that Colombia violated rights and sovereignty in Nicaragua's exclusive economic zone in the Caribbean Sea

President Iván Duque followed from San Andrés the reading of the ruling on the dispute with Nicaragua
The Colombian president was accompanied by Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez, and Defense Minister Diego Molano

Attention! Hague Court rules in favor of Nicaragua in maritime boundary dispute with Colombia
However, they urged that there be a negotiation so that fishermen in the raizal communities can continue their activities