SUPPORT TEST: COMPOSER 2.0 MARTES 17 Cortes de luz en el verano: los datos que miran el Gobierno y las empresas
SupportTest: Las mayores precipitaciones en Brasil y la posibilidad de temperaturas más benignas aliviaron el panorama hacia adelante. En el sector igual se mantienen en alerta y ponen el ojo en la zona más poblada del país

Inclusión digital: el programa gratuito para formarse en programación y otros oficios de la virtualidad
“digitalers” contribuye con la capacitación de jóvenes para los empleos emergentes. A continuación, toda la información y el link de inscripción

Cómo aprovechar al máximo tu prueba de COVID-19 casera
Reportajes Especiales - Lifestyle

In Argentina, tests fell by 65%: can the lack of detection of Ómicron BA.2 generate a new wave?
According to the ANLIS/Malbrán Institute, the subvariant that generated rebounds in Europe is found in less than 1% of the samples analyzed between March and April. What do experts consulted by Infobae think

Chagas in der ersten Person: „Das musst du nicht verstecken“
Ein Architekt, ein Grafikdesigner und ein Gesundheitsförderer leben in städtischen und ländlichen Umgebungen in Argentinien. Sie teilten ihre Erfahrungen mit Infektionen in Dokumentarfilmen, die Finalisten eines WHO-Filmfestivals waren. Was erwarten sie heute von der Gesellschaft?

Chagas in the first person: “It's not something you have to hide”
An architect, a graphic designer and a health promoter live in urban and rural environments in Argentina. They shared their experience with infection in documentaries that were finalists at a WHO film festival. What do they expect from society today

Nasal or saliva: which test detects COVID-19 faster
Scientists from the University of Maryland, United States, compared the times of the results of nasal swabs in relation to those using saliva. The details

The Road to Beijing ends in the Closed Loop
The safety of Olympic participants and the Chinese public relies on rigid testing, containment and so many rules.

Beijing 2022 reports first case of Covid among arriving athletes and team officials
Beijing 2022 and the IOC revealed initial Covid-19 testing figures over the weekend, announcing that zero athletes arriving in Beijing had tested positive for the virus. However, testing figures from new arrivals in Beijing on Monday confirmed the first positive test among athletes and team officials, as the 2022 Winter Olympics creep closer.

Ukraine anti-doping officials ousted following reports of violations dating back to 2012
Ukraine’s Minister of Youth and Sports Vadym Guttsait, in a statement, said “The National Anti-Doping Center of Ukraine (NADC) has violated the international testing standard”.