Third Version of Playbooks Delves into Details, Addresses Violations
(ATR) Penalties for rules infractions by athletes or stakeholders include disqualification or financial sanctions.

The Opinionist: The Turning Point For the Tokyo Games
Michael Pirrie reveals the reason why Tokyo 2020 is now "highly likely to happen".

Four Test Events in Japan Conducted Safely and Securely With Participation of Overseas Athletes
Tokyo 2020 Wrap: Emergency Measures; Torch Relay, Test Events Changes
(ATR) The Tokyo 2020 president reiterates that cancelling the Games is not being considered amid a new state of emergency.

Rugby sevens Olympic test event held at Tokyo Stadium
Corona Surge with Tokyo Milestone
(ATR) The postponed Tokyo Olympics near 100 days to go, regardless of the pandemic.

Ferriani: Winter IFs Confident Despite Beijing 2022 Uncertainty
The AIOWF president says the seven winter IF leaders believe the delayed Beijing test events will be delivered smoothly.

North Korea Opts Out of Tokyo 2020
Also: Water polo test event delayed, more postponements could follow; Volunteers begin training in earnest

Tokyo Test Events Back on Tap
Simplified test events are to resume next week integrating COVID-19 countermeasures as outlined in Tokyo 2020 playbooks.

ICYMI: Fresh Faces for Milan 2026, Sapporo Olympic Marathon Plans
#ICYMI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve.