“I only respond to the constitution of my conscience”: Arturo Zaldivar denied submission to the AMLO government
The chief minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation assured that his determination regarding the reform of the Electricity Industry Law is adhered to law and weighs the environment in high esteem
SCJN ratified, before the government of Colima, the reform of the Electricity Industry Law
The federal entity and the Cofece filed complaints with the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation; however, the decision of April 7 created a precedent in favor of the amendments promoted by López Obrador
Emilio Álvarez Icaza urged the SCJN to clarify the vote count on the Electricity Industry Law
The legislator told the presiding minister, Arturo Zaldivar, to carry out an improper count and assures that the eight votes were reached to declare unconstitutionality
Ricardo Jaime asked the Supreme Court for house imprisonment
It's because of his state of health. The oral court that tries him for illicit enrichment yesterday rejected the proposal of the former Secretary of Transport
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