«Perfect Liars» e «The Boulevard»: due successi di Wattpad che saranno serie e film

Il fenomeno di Alex Mírez, giovane autore di «The Perfect Liar», che ha 150 milioni di lettori, viene applicato come serie, e quello del regista messicano Flor M.

“Perfect Liars” and “The Boulevard”: Two Wattpad hits that will be series and movies

The phenomenon of Alex Mírez, a young author of “The Perfect Liar,” which has 150 million readers, is applied as a series, and that of Mexican filmmaker Flor M.

«Perfect Liars» e «The Boulevard»: due successi di Wattpad che saranno serie e film

Il fenomeno di Alex Mírez, giovane autore di «The Perfect Liar», che ha 150 milioni di lettori, viene applicato come serie, e quello del regista messicano Flor M.

“Perfect Liars” and “The Boulevard”: Two Wattpad hits that will be series and movies

The phenomenon of Alex Mírez, a young author of “The Perfect Liar,” which has 150 million readers, is applied as a series, and that of Mexican filmmaker Flor M.

“Perfect Liars” and “The Boulevard”: Two Wattpad hits that will be series and movies

The phenomenon of Alex Mírez, a young author of “The Perfect Liar,” which has 150 million readers, is applied as a series, and that of Mexican filmmaker Flor M.

«Perfect Liars» e «The Boulevard»: due successi di Wattpad che saranno serie e film

Il fenomeno di Alex Mírez, giovane autore di «The Perfect Liar», che ha 150 milioni di lettori, viene applicato come serie, e quello del regista messicano Flor M.

„Perfect Liars“ und „The Boulevard“: Zwei Wattpad-Hits, die Serien und Filme sein werden

Das Phänomen von Alex Mires, dem jungen Autor des „Perfect Liar“ mit 150 Millionen Lesern, wird als Serie verwendet, und der mexikanische Regisseur Flor M.

„Perfect Liars“ und „The Boulevard“: Zwei Wattpad-Hits, die Serien und Filme sein werden

Das Phänomen von Alex Mírez, einem jungen Autor von „The Perfect Liar“ mit 150 Millionen Lesern, wird als Serie und das des mexikanischen Filmemachers Flor M.

« Perfect Liars » et « The Boulevard » : deux succès de Wattpad qui seront des séries et des films

Le phénomène d'Alex Mírez, un jeune auteur de « The Perfect Liar », qui compte 150 millions de lecteurs, est appliqué sous forme de série, et celui du cinéaste mexicain Flor M.

“Perfect Liars” and “The Boulevard”: Two Wattpad hits that will be series and movies

The phenomenon of Alex Mírez, a young author of “The Perfect Liar,” which has 150 million readers, is applied as a series, and that of Mexican filmmaker Flor M.