Die beeindruckende Geschichte des Fischers, der fast zwei Tage auf hoher See in der Nähe von Santa Marta vermisst wurde
Meerestiere, Austrocknung und die mehr als zehn Meilen, die ihn vom Festland trennten, ließen ihn glauben, er würde seine Familie nie wieder sehen
The impressive story of the fisherman who spent almost two days missing on the high seas near Santa Marta
Marine animals, dehydration and the more than ten miles that separated him from the mainland made him think he would never see his family again
“The one who shot me was dressed in civilian clothes”: soldier who was injured in the questioned Putumayo operation
Defense Minister Diego Molano shared the testimony of Private Rebinson Beleño, who was injured in the operation denouncing the death of the president of the Community Action Board, a child under 16 and an indigenous governor
Medias Rojas oficializan la llegada de Trevor Story
Red Sox acquires Trevor Story, according to reports
Medias Rojas adquieren a Trevor Story, según reportes
Pariser Aktien stiegen zum Handelsschluss am 17. März um 0,36% gegenüber CAC40
Tagsüber berichtete er über ein positives Verhalten, bei dem der Gewinn 0,36% betrug
Paris equities up 0.36% from CAC40 at the close of trading on March 17
During the day, he reported positive behavior in which the gain was 0.36%
Germany's DAX closes the day with losses on 17 March
During the day, he reported negative behavior in which the loss was -0.36%
EuroStoxx 50 prices for March 17
The various securities that were traded on the auction floor had a mixed behavior.