ATRadio: Reporters Roundtable
(ATR) Tokyo 2020 is the focus of the first monthly podcast with a group of the world's best-informed Olympic journalists.

Young Reporters Learn Skills at YOG
(ATR) Veteran journalists mentor young reporters at the Youth Olympic Games, in an IOC-run program.

More Changes to Olympic Bid Process
(ATR) "Too many losers" among cities bidding for the Games says the IOC president.

Olympic Journalist Doyen Moving On
(ATR) Renowned AP reporter and editor Steve Wilson has a new job.

Boston 2024 MPC Plan Carries Risks, Warn Olympic Media Leaders
(ATR) A lack of defined Main Press Center inside Boston carries risks says leaders of Olympic journalists.

London Latest - Anticipation Among Olympic Media Builds for 2012
(ATR) Leaders in Olympic media tell Around the Rings they are now excited for a Games with great potential following the third and final World Press Briefing. ATR's Ed Hula III reports from London.

Bidding for the Games: Cities Gather in Denmark, Chicago Cyber Prank Update
(ATR) The 2016 cities gather in Copenhagen…An anti-Chicago web site is not a creation of Rio…An Olympic historian says Chicago almost hosted the Games a century ago …