Solutions For Latin America

A free application provides emergency assistance with a network of volunteers trained in first aid

The platform, called Helpers, connects people who need help in an emergency with volunteers trained to intervene until professional assistance arrives. That first intervention can save lives. The application was created five years ago by an organization that also developed — during the pandemic — an emotional assistance service; it has already trained 17,000 people in Argentina and Uruguay

A free application provides emergency

A collaborative platform allows residents of Buenos Aires villas to report problems and monitor the urbanization process

In Caminos de la Villa, residents of villas in the City of Buenos Aires can upload geolocated information about problems with the quality of public services or works being carried out, among others, and monitor the response. Created by the NGOs Civil Association for Equality and Justice and Wingu with the participation of residents of the neighborhoods, it changed its functionality according to the needs of the situation.

A collaborative platform allows residents

The Castagnino Museum+Macro in Rosario creates 3D versions of Berni's works for people with visual disabilities

Five works by the Rosario artist, which are part of the Juanito Laguna series and which are among the most emblematic of the museum's permanent collection, will have their 3D, tactile versions, in June. This production is part of an accessibility project that the institution's Educational Area carries out with different groups of people with disabilities

The Castagnino Museum+Macro in Rosario

Health counseling in schools: professionals from three provinces explain how they implement them and what results they obtained

These are spaces where adolescents can consult on all issues related to their physical and mental health and receive counseling and referral when necessary. Among the results obtained in schools in Chaco, Jujuy and Neuquén are the decline in the rate of unintentional pregnancies and greater awareness of their rights related to access to health

Health counseling in schools: professionals

What is MicroBiar, a study to improve people's quality of life and why is it unprecedented in Latin America

Research involving more than 90 professionals from different areas seeks to show how dietary changes can have a major impact on the gut microbiota and on the health of people with diabetes and obesity. Due to its magnitude and extent — it will follow 360 people for two years — it is at the forefront at the international level

What is MicroBiar, a study

Chamas in Action: how does the program that helps Venezuelan adolescent migrants fight violence and xenophobia

The Quinta Ola civil association is the driving force behind Chamas en Acción: Sisters Without Borders, a space for training and activism to address the problems faced by young Venezuelan migrants in Peru, which this year was awarded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. From the project, adolescent girls generate concrete experiences to combat xenophobia, discrimination, gender-based violence and harassment

Chamas in Action: how does

Rosario organization connects agroecological food producers with popular canteens

At the beginning of the pandemic, a group of professionals focused on sustainable technological solutions quickly devised a system so that agroecological producers around Rosario could continue to sell even though the fairs were closed. The system: buy their production through donations and take it to canteens, and thus improve the quality of food in these spaces. The initiative is called De la Huerta a la Olla, it continues to work and connects 34 producers with 21 dining rooms without intermediaries

Rosario organization connects agroecological food

UN Women and the International Olympic Committee facilitated the opening of sports spaces for 1,236 girls from vulnerable neighborhoods

One Victory Leads to Another is an initiative created in Brazil after the Rio Olympics, which was launched last year in the City of Buenos Aires with 46 community organizations. It consists of opening safe spaces for girls aged 13 to 18 who live in popular neighborhoods to play sports and access information about their rights, health and financial inclusion, among other tools

UN Women and the International

How swimming transforms the lives of young people with disabilities in a Bariloche club

Ignacio Acuña has been working for twenty years in sports practice focused on inclusion. At Club Pehuenes, he teaches swimming to boys and girls with different disabilities and also plans activities outside the water, such as mountain walks, bike rides and manual tasks. The result of these practices, in which young people have been involved for more than a decade, includes physical progress and, fundamentally, emotional and social well-being

How swimming transforms the lives

A rural kindergarten in Mendoza managed to improve the level of literacy it had before the pandemic

The articulated work between the 5th and the first grade teacher, the collective reading of two novels and the inclusion of families in the activities led to more boys and girls starting primary school in 2022 with high levels of literacy and reading comprehension, despite the few days of face-to-face classes they had during the year past. Mariela Vera, the teacher gardener, and Mercedes Sánchez, from elementary school, tell about the method they developed together

A rural kindergarten in Mendoza