
UEFA espera una audiencia récord de 500 millones en la Eurocopa femenina Suiza 2025

La Eurocopa femenina 2025 en Suiza busca atraer 500 millones de espectadores, con 700.000 entradas a precios accesibles y transporte público gratuito para los asistentes al evento deportivo más grande en la historia del país


Movistar y Sion firmaron una alianza e invertirán $9.500 millones en redes e infraestructura

El convenio buscará ofrecer a los clientes una mayor velocidad de navegación a través de redes de banda ancha ultrarrápida en un modelo de colaboración capaz de ser replicado en otras regiones

Movistar y Sion firmaron una

Crans-Montana Relies on Experience in Bid for 2025 Worlds

(ATR) The Swiss ski resort isn't the favorite but bid leaders say they like their chances.

Crans-Montana Relies on Experience in

Is St. Moritz the Fast Track to a Future Swiss Olympic Bid? -- Top Story Replay

(ATR) There is hope that a successful Lausanne 2020 could spark a change in how the Swiss view hosting an Olympics.

Is St. Moritz the Fast

Is St. Moritz the Fast Track to a Future Swiss Olympic Bid?

(ATR) There is hope that a successful Lausanne 2020 could spark a change in how the Swiss view hosting an Olympics.

Is St. Moritz the Fast

Stockholm Happy With Status in 2026 Bid Race

(ATR) Stockholm 2026 has quietly shored up political support and grown its bid in hopes of being a candidate city.

Stockholm Happy With Status in

IOC: No Sense of Urgency in 2026 Bid Process

(ATR) Despite the recent losses of Sion and Graz, Christophe Dubi tells ATR the process is the “same as always”.

IOC: No Sense of Urgency

#ICYMI -- Possible Graz 2026 Bid; Barcelona Approaching Winter Bid; Fans Want Cricket in Olympics

#ICMYI -- In Case You Missed It ... Sometimes the best stories don't get the attention we think they deserve. Here are our staff picks for articles this week they really want you to know about.

#ICYMI -- Possible Graz 2026

Graz 2026 Bid is 'Absolutely Feasible'

(ATR) The results of a study are ammunition in the effort to convince critics of the merits of an Olympic bid.

Graz 2026 Bid is 'Absolutely

2 Minutes with ATR: Stockholm Tops for 2026, IOC Inspects Paris 2024

(ATR) Editor-in-Chief Ed Hula explains why Stockholm could be the new favorite for the 2026 Winter Olympics.

2 Minutes with ATR: Stockholm