Sport and the international day for the remembrance of the slave trade and its abolition

Infección en niños podría empeorar crisis de viruela del mono
El creciente brote de la viruela del mono está generando preocupación de que el virus pueda propagarse entre un inesperado grupo particularmente propenso a transmitir infecciones contagiosas: los niños.
Upcoming Sport Integrity Week announces new speakers, media partners – Conferences & Conventions
Also: 2022 International Sports Convention releases further event details; LawAccord 2022 unveils theme and keynote speakers

Sportel Unveils Virtual Platform -- Conferences & Conventions
Also: SIGA Web Summit on Female Leadership in Sport begins Monday; the Global Esports convention is April 9

Esports Business Summit Returning to Las Vegas - Conferences & Conventions
Also: New details on hybrid Global Sports Week Paris; SIGA Youth Forum next week

B20: SIGA Global CEO Joins World's Business Leaders
SPORTEL Monaco Postponed - Conferences & Conventions
Also: Speakers revealed for Global Sports Week Paris and SIGA Youth Forum

SIGA establishes Standing Committee on Race, Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sport
Sports Integrity Week Launches -- Conferences & Conventions
Also: 9th Annual Youth Sports Summit is virtual this year; Host City 2020 early bird rates end Sept. 4