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Reportajes Especiales - News

Tour operators in Johnny Cay deliberately throw food into the sea to attract sharks: Coralina
The director of the environmental entity threatened to close the natural park if this malpractice persists

They will move tiger sharks to an area far off the coast of San Andrés
After repeated attempts to hunt sharks due to the death of an Italian tourist, the Coralina Corporation asked for expert support to capture the two specimens that live in the area

Video: San Andrés ha filmato uno squalo simile a quello che ha ucciso un turista italiano su una delle sue spiagge
Apparentemente, lo straniero non ha ascoltato gli avvertimenti di non nuotare nel settore in cui è stato attaccato dal carnivoro acquatico

Vidéo : San Andrés a filmé un requin similaire à celui qui a tué un touriste italien sur l'une de ses plages
Apparemment, l'étranger n'a pas tenu compte des avertissements de ne pas nager dans le secteur où il a été attaqué par le carnivore aquatique

Video: San Andrés filmed a shark similar to the one that killed an Italian tourist on one of its beaches
Apparently, the foreigner did not heed the warnings not to swim in the sector where he was attacked by the aquatic carnivore

A smokescreen continues to favor shark trafficking in Ecuador
Targeted fishing of this species is prohibited, but if the fish is caught incidentally (casually) it can be marketed

Science has revealed riddles. Do sharks sleep?
A study conducted by scientists from the University of Western Australia (University of Western Australia) analyzed this behavior and evaluated how one of the most feared animals in the ocean was placed.

Science has revealed riddles. Do sharks sleep?
A study conducted by scientists from the University of Western Australia (University of Western Australia) analyzed this behavior and evaluated how one of the most feared animals in the ocean was placed.

Science has revealed riddles. Do sharks sleep?
A study conducted by scientists from the University of Western Australia (University of Western Australia) analyzed this behavior and evaluated how one of the most feared animals in the ocean was placed.