¿Qué hacer cuando sus ideas no aterrizan?
Harvard Business Review Wake-Up Call Spanish

Plus de 6 millions de patients pourraient se retrouver sans EPS, a averti la Surintendance de la santé
Selon l'organe de surveillance des 32 fournisseurs qui peuvent fournir des services en Colombie, 11 font l'objet d'une enquête et 17 pourraient être liquidées cette année.

More than 6 million patients could be left without EPS, warned the Superintendency of Health
According to the supervisory body of the 32 provider companies that can provide services in Colombia, 11 are under investigation and 17 could be liquidated this year.

Mais de 6 milhões de pacientes poderiam ficar sem EPS, alertou a Superintendência de Saúde
De acordo com o órgão de supervisão das 32 empresas fornecedoras que podem prestar serviços na Colômbia, 11 estão sob investigação e 17 podem ser liquidadas este ano.

Swiss Olympic - "Lausanne 2020": Less Than 1'000 Days to Go!
In less than 1'000 days, on January 10, 2020, Switzerland will celebrate the opening of the third Winter Youth Olympic Games of “Lausanne 2020”.
Tokyo Governor Feels Burden of Olympic Flag
(ATR) Yuriko Koike says Tokyo must capitalize on Rio 2016 experience in order to host successful Games.

Information Sharing is "Primary Lesson" From IF Forum
(ATR) Following a tumultuous week for world sport, IF leaders stress need for greater cooperation.