Activistas protestan ante la embajada de China en Seúl por la repatriación de norcoreanos

The value of the Paralympic Games has created the enduring legacy in Korea

Seoul Mayor Oh meets with IOC chief Bach in Lausanne to promote 2036 Olympic bid
Oh voiced a “strong will” for Seoul to become the next a city for international sports and art events, evidenced by South Korea’s new facilities and past Olympic experience

Awards show for the best of Beijing 2022 kicks off ANOC General Assembly
The top athletes and NOCs from the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics were recognized by the Association of National Olympic Committees

Seoul eyes another turn as Olympic host in 2036
The South Korean capital hosted the Summer Olympics in 1988

Russian Olympic Committee will be represented at the 2022 ANOC General Assembly in Seoul
The 2022 ANOC General meeting in South Korea this week will elect new members of the Executive Committee

KSOC President welcomes Olympic community to Seoul
The Association of National Olympic Committees is set to gather this week in South Korea
La Corée du Sud a envoyé 20 tonnes supplémentaires d'aide humanitaire à l'Ukraine
Le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Séoul a déclaré que les autorités des deux pays continuaient de travailler ensemble sur les détails de l'assistance.

South Korea sent an additional 20 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine
The Seoul Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the authorities of both countries continue to work together on the details of the assistance

Südkorea sandte weitere 20 Tonnen humanitäre Hilfe in die Ukraine
Das Außenministerium von Seoul teilte mit, dass die Behörden beider Länder weiterhin bei den Einzelheiten der Unterstützung zusammenarbeiten.