El Cybertruck: Una guerra cultural sobre ruedas
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Un despacho jurídico de Wall Street se ha propuesto definir las consecuencias de las protestas contra Israel
Reportajes Especiales - Business

MOE asks the Registrar's Office to explain inconsistencies in vote counting
The Electoral Observation Mission made a comparison between the results of the pre-count and the most recent results of the counting and identified a number of irregularities

This is how the Historical Pact detected the failures in the scrutiny of legislative votes
The absence of votes at 29,000 tables alerted this coalition, which implemented a digital tool to control and monitor

L'unione giudiziaria ha respinto la petizione per riconteggiare i voti e l'ha lanciata contro Duque, Uribe e il cancelliere nazionale
Per Asonal Judicial, la decisione di indire un nuovo riconteggio è un nuovo modo di mettere in discussione e mancare di rispetto alle decisioni imparziali dei giudici della Repubblica

Judicial union rejected petition to recount votes and launched it against Duque, Uribe and the National Registrar
For Asonal Judicial, the decision to call a new recount is a new way of questioning and disrespecting the impartial decisions of the judges of the Republic

Petro announced that he will not attend presidential debates until “transparency of the vote is guaranteed”
The opposition leader, who leads the voting intention polls in the country, had requested a recount of votes for alleged irregularities affecting the left-wing coalition of the Historical Pact

Registrar orders general recount of votes to the Senate of the Republic in Colombia
President Iván Duque asked the electoral authorities on Monday for a new count of the legislative votes last Sunday, March 13

With tutelas, Alianza Verde - Centro Esperanza joins the requests for a total vote count
Some members of the collective call for this process to be carried out for greater transparency of the process