FIFA Hails VAR Success at Russia World Cup
(ATR) FIFA says stats from 48 games point to importance of the replay system in its debut.

OpEd: Now, It's For Footballers to Play Their Part
Joël Bouzou believes the World Cup, like PyeongChang 2018, can leave a legacy of peace and solidarity among nations.

2 Minutes: Sion Olympic Referendum, Sex Abuse Hearings, World Cup Countdown
(ATR) Around the Rings Editor-in-Chief Ed Hula recaps the news of the week in this edition of "2 Minutes".

2018 FIFA World Cup tickets: last-minute sales phase starts and FIFA Venue Ticketing Centres open April 18
OpEd: Welcome to the Brave New World of Cold War Sport
Michael Pirrie says spies, missiles, conspiracies, whistle blowers and banned substances are the new norm in world sport.

Blatter Wants World Cup 'For Peace'
(ATR) Former FIFA president suggests boycotting the World Cup over the Russian spy poisoning would achieve nothing.

Russia Slams UK Minister Over Hitler's Olympics Remarks
(ATR) Boris Johnson's comments further escalate tensions between the two countries.

Boxing Ready to Expel Rio Referees -- Federation Focus
(ATR) Also: FIFA website struggles with World Cup ticket sales; Fencing grand prix in USA; Croatia newest floorball member