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Reportajes Especiales - News

Tamberi headlines Rome’s Golden Gala seeking first victory in the Eternal City
Ten Tokyo 2020 individual Olympic champions set to compete at Rome’s Stadio Olimpico. Tamberi excited to perform in front of “Curva Sud.” U.S. legend Allyson Felix informs that this may be her final career Diamond League appearance

EYOF Flame of Peace lit in Rome as war continues in Ukraine
The Flame of Peace is en route to Slovakia after a small lighting ceremony in Rome. Youth athletes representing nations across Europe will gather under the flame during the opening ceremony of the 16th Summer European Youth Olympic Festival.

An Argentine tourist crashed a drone into a historic building in Rome and will face a fine of between 550 and 68,000 dollars
The device, which was seized by the police, hit Palazzo Venezia, the place from where former dictator Benito Mussolini delivered one of his most famous speeches

Un touriste argentin a écrasé un drone dans un bâtiment historique de Rome et risque une amende de 550 à 68 000 dollars
L'engin, qui a été saisi par la police, a frappé le Palazzo Venezia, l'endroit d'où l'ancien dictateur Benito Mussolini a prononcé l'un de ses discours les plus célèbres

Francesco Totti's four shocking goals in an 8-a-side football match that went viral
Roma's historic steering wheel demonstrated all its quality in his team's 6-6 draw against San Paolo in the Lega Calcio
Les quatre buts choquants de Francesco Totti dans un match de football à 8 qui est devenu viral
Le volant historique de la Roma a démontré toute sa qualité lors du match nul 6-6 de son équipe contre San Paolo en Lega Calcio
These were the themes of the Colombian bishops' meeting with Pope Francis in Rome
The central themes of the Episcopal Conference were the humanitarian crisis in the Pacific, the dissidence of the FARC, the ELN, drug trafficking and political news in Colombia

Tels étaient les thèmes de la rencontre des évêques colombiens avec le pape François à Rome
Les thèmes centraux de la Conférence épiscopale étaient la crise humanitaire dans le Pacifique, la dissidence des FARC, l'ELN, le trafic de drogue et l'actualité politique en Colombie

These were the themes of the Colombian bishops' meeting with Pope Francis in Rome
The central themes of the Episcopal Conference were the humanitarian crisis in the Pacific, the dissidence of the FARC, the ELN, drug trafficking and political news in Colombia