मैं Anses कब एकत्र करूं: इस बुधवार, 23 मार्च के लिए भुगतान
आज पेंशन, पेंशन, गर्भावस्था भत्ता, बेरोजगारी लाभ और खाद्य कार्यक्रम PAMI का भुगतान किया जाता है

When do I collect Anses: payments for this Wednesday, March 23
Today pensions, pensions, pregnancy allowance, unemployment benefit and the food program PAMI are paid

When do I collect Anses: payments for this Tuesday, March 22
Today pensions, pensions, Universal Child Allowance, Family Allowances, Pregnancy Allowances, Single Payment Allowances, Unemployment Benefit and the Food programs for AUH, Home and Food PAMI are paid

When do I collect Anses: the payments for this Monday, March 21
Today pensions, pensions, Universal Child Allowance, Family Allowances, Pregnancy Allowance and the Food programs for AUH, Home and Food PAMI are paid

Retirements: “We win, we lose, we always lose”
If the genuine recipients of the official pension distribution regime were the fans of the club called “Pension System”, that would be their rallying cry

When do I collect Anses: payments for this Friday, March 18
Today pensions, pensions, Universal Child Allowance, Family Allowances, Pregnancy Allowance and the Food programs for AUH, Home and Food PAMI are paid

When do I collect Anses: payments for this Tuesday, March 15
Today pensions, pensions, Universal Child Allowance, Family Allowances, Pregnancy Allowance and the Feeding programs for AUH, Home, Progresar and Food PAMI are paid