
¿Quieres mejorar tu condición física? Toma un día de descanso

Reportajes Especiales - Lifestyle

¿Quieres mejorar tu condición física?

SEP school calendar: what days in May students will not have school

The students recently enjoyed their Easter holiday period

SEP school calendar: what days

China wird acht Städten erlauben, Quarantänezeiten zu verkürzen

China erlaubt Shanghai, Guangzhou und sechs anderen Städten, die Quarantänen für ausländische Reisende und diejenigen, die engen Kontakt zu infizierten Personen hatten, zu verkürzen, während die Behörden mögliche Anpassungen der strengen Anti-Covid-Maßnahmen des Landes testen, so die mit dem Problem vertrauten Personen.


The importance of creating the perfect environment when going to sleep: 5 keys to getting a good rest

Hours of rest are necessary for good health. Two sleep specialists explained to Infobae how to make it restful

The importance of creating the

How many hours of sleep are needed to sleep well, according to science

A study by scientists from Washington (United States) determined how long the average adult should rest, although it clarified that too much sleep is “bad for the brain”

How many hours of sleep

Sleep and pandemic: 8 essential tips for good sleep and rest

Poor sleep quality affects productivity and causes a large number of discomforts in the body. On World Sleep Day, Infobae talked with two experts to learn how to recharge our batteries when we close our eyes

Sleep and pandemic: 8 essential

Sleep problems: 4 out of 10 people in the world sleep badly

Rest fewer hours than recommended can lead to neurological and cardiovascular disorders. What are the steps to a healthy sleep routine

Sleep problems: 4 out of

Good sleep slows down aging: the keys to a restful sleep

Good rest helps physical and emotional balance, and improves concentration levels. On World Sleep Day, tips to rest and replenish your energy

Good sleep slows down aging: