Registrar Alexander Vega

National Union Council called for legal certainty and transparency in the results in the upcoming presidential elections

The guild indicated that irregularities that may be submitted by juries and software should be reviewed to avoid complications, as happened on March 13

National Union Council called for

National Union Council forderte Rechtssicherheit und Transparenz der Ergebnisse der bevorstehenden Präsidentschaftswahlen

Die Gilde wies darauf hin, dass Unregelmäßigkeiten, die von Jurys und Software eingereicht werden könnten, überprüft werden sollten, um Komplikationen zu vermeiden, wie dies am 13. März der Fall war

National Union Council forderte Rechtssicherheit

Registrar confirmed that there will be a new jury draw for the presidential elections in May

Due to irregularities generated by the March 13 legislative elections, Alexander Vega, National Registrar, announced the integration of new juries and more in-depth training

Registrar confirmed that there will

Registrar confirmed that there will be a new jury draw for the presidential elections in May

Due to irregularities generated by the March 13 legislative elections, Alexander Vega, National Registrar, announced the integration of new juries and more in-depth training

Registrar confirmed that there will

2022 Presidential Election: Registrar announced changes to E-14 forms

Alexander Vega reported that, for the May 29 elections, the document will present new features, the spaces in the squares will be much larger, in order to “avoid any mistakes”

2022 Presidential Election: Registrar announced

Gustavo Bolivar sagt, dass er es war, der zuerst um die Neuauszählung der Stimmen gebeten hat und nicht Álvaro Uribe Vélex

Die Kontroverse über die Ergebnisse der Parlamentswahlen am 13. März geht weiter. Auf die jüngste Anfrage des nationalen Registrars Alexander Vega an den Nationalen Wahlrat und die durch diese Aktion erhobenen Verdächtigungen wurden vom Senator von Human Colombia hingewiesen.

Gustavo Bolivar sagt, dass er

Gustavo Bolivar says that it was he who first asked for the recount of votes and not Álvaro Uribe Vélez

The controversy over the results of the March 13 legislative elections continues. The recent request by National Registrar Alexander Vega to the National Electoral Council and the suspicions raised by this action were pointed out by the Senator of Human Colombia

Gustavo Bolivar says that it

Der designierte Senator Ariel Ávila wies auf die potenziellen Risiken der vom Nationalen Registrar beantragten Neuauszählung hin

Der Nationale Wahlrat wird festlegen, ob die Neuauszählung dieser Parlamentswahlen voller Fehler und Unregelmäßigkeiten stattfinden wird oder nicht.

Der designierte Senator Ariel Ávila

Senator-elect Ariel Ávila pointed out the potential risks of the recount requested by the National Registrar

The National Electoral Council will define whether or not the recount of these legislative elections full of errors and irregularities will take place

Senator-elect Ariel Ávila pointed out