
After supporting the recount, President Iván Duque says it is sensible not to do so

The president assured that this is a message that such complaints must be dealt with and resolved within the institutional framework

After supporting the recount, President

Nachdem Präsident Iván Duque die Neuauszählung unterstützt hat, ist es sinnvoll, dies nicht zu tun.

Der Präsident versicherte, dass dies eine Botschaft ist, dass solche Beschwerden im institutionellen Rahmen behandelt und gelöst werden müssen.

Nachdem Präsident Iván Duque die

Was folgt nach der Entscheidung des Kanzlers Alexander Vega, keine Stimmenauszählung anzuordnen

Fachleute erläutern, dass der Prüfungsprozess auf die gleiche Weise fortgesetzt werden sollte, wie er durchgeführt wurde. Die kommunale Zählung ist bereits zu 100% abgeschlossen und die Abteilungszählung bei 25%

Was folgt nach der Entscheidung

What follows after Registrar Alexander Vega's decision not to order a vote count

Specialists detail that the scrutiny process should be continued in the same way as it was being done. The municipal counting is already 100% complete, and the departmental one at 25%

What follows after Registrar Alexander

Centro Democrático announced that it will insist on a total count of the votes of the legislative elections

The right-wing collective assured that there are still doubts about the entire counting process and that citizens cannot be left with doubts

Centro Democrático announced that it

The custody of votes in the legislative elections, questioned by Gustavo Petro, opens debate

The opposition leader and candidate of the Historical Pact rejected the proposal to recount the votes in the face of an alleged loss in the chain of custody of the votes counted

The custody of votes in

Team matches for Colombia have mixed visions about the counting of votes

The Christian Mira party and the U Party, led by Dilian Francisca Toro, contrast their positions against the Registrar's proposal to count votes, which in the end was not submitted

Team matches for Colombia have

Registry will not ask for recount of votes after guarantee desk

The Registrar General would formally file the application on Tuesday, but he backed out “for the peace of mind of the political forces”

Registry will not ask for

Die Registrierung wird nach dem Garantieschalter keine Neuauszählung der Stimmen verlangen

Der Generalkanzler würde den Antrag am Dienstag offiziell einreichen, aber er zog sich „zur Beruhigung der politischen Kräfte“ zurück

Die Registrierung wird nach dem

“In Colombia there has never been a vote count”: warned the director of the EOM

While this eventual process could remove certain doubts about the results of the elections, there is no regulation to do so, said Alejandra Barrios, who is in charge of the Electoral Observation Mission

“In Colombia there has never