Wrestling President Right to Resign, Says New FILA Bureau Member
(ATR) Jim Scherr tells Around the Rings the legacy of Raphaël Martinetti is strong – but that he made the right choice to resign as president of the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles.
BREAKING - Wrestling President Resigns
(ATR) Raphaël Martinetti resigns as president of the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles following a no-confidence vote of his colleagues.
Exclusive - Wrestling Wants Answers from Rogge
(ATR) President Raphaël Martinetti tells Around the Rings the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles will defend its spot in the Olympics “fiercely” following Tuesday’s snub from the IOC.
London Latest - Wrestling Unhappy with 2012 Test Event; Coe Defends Budget Hike
(ATR) Wrestling federation chief tells Around the Rings ExCel event is not ideal Olympics warm-up. But weightlifting federation voices satisfaction with weekend test... Sebastian Coe defends soaring costs of security and ceremonies.
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