¿Debo preocuparme por la radiactividad de los teléfonos celulares?
Reportajes Especiales - Lifestyle
Ukraine warned that it cannot control radioactivity in Chernobyl due to the damage that the plant suffered during the Russian occupation
Officials explained that there is no electricity and that the system for monitoring the level of pollution in the prohibited zone does not work: “The servers handling this information disappeared”
Quito alert for “extremely high” radiation levels
The Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Ecuador recommends avoiding sun exposure this week and using additional protection
Le truppe russe si sono ritirate da Chernobyl: i cupi rapporti sui motivi della decisione del Cremlino
L'AIEA e le autorità ucraine hanno confermato oggi che il controllo del sito del più grande incidente nucleare della storia è tornato nelle loro mani, dopo che la Russia ha rilevato l'impianto il 24 febbraio. Nel frattempo, si moltiplicano le domande sulla decisione di Mosca
Les troupes russes se sont retirées de Tchernobyl : les sombres rapports sur les raisons de la décision du Kremlin
L'AIEA et les autorités ukrainiennes ont confirmé aujourd'hui que le contrôle du site du plus grand accident nucléaire de l'histoire est revenu entre leurs mains, après la reprise de la centrale par la Russie le 24 février. Pendant ce temps, les questions concernant la décision de Moscou se multiplient
Russian troops withdrew from Chernobyl: the grim reports on the reasons for the Kremlin's decision
The IAEA and the Ukrainian authorities confirmed today that control of the site of the largest nuclear accident in history has returned to their hands, after Russia took over the plant on 24 February. Meanwhile, questions about Moscow's decision are multiplying
Russian troops withdrew from Chernobyl: the grim reports on the reasons for the Kremlin's decision
The IAEA and the Ukrainian authorities confirmed today that control of the site of the largest nuclear accident in history has returned to their hands, after Russia took over the plant on 24 February. Meanwhile, questions about Moscow's decision are multiplying
WBSC May Adopt MLB Coronavirus Measures
(ATR) Riccardo Fraccari dismisses Greenpeace's report on radiation issues in Fukushima.
Tokyo 2020 Roundup: HBO Report Raises Fukushima Health Concerns
Also: Ariake Arena grand opening... Latest IPC project meeting for Tokyo 2020 set for next week...