Apple introduced new iPhone SE and iPad Air with 5G connectivity
Apple has just unveiled a new version of the iPhone SE and the fifth generation of the iPad Air. The new 4.7-inch iPhone SE 3 retains its design similar to the iPhone 6, while the new 10.9-inch iPad Air visually approaches the iPad Pro. Both devices have been updated with 5G connectivity, a feature that is offered on the iPad as an option.
Apple introduced new iPhone SE and iPad Air with 5G connectivity
Apple has just unveiled a new version of the iPhone SE and the fifth generation of the iPad Air. The new 4.7-inch iPhone SE 3 retains its design similar to the iPhone 6, while the new 10.9-inch iPad Air visually approaches the iPad Pro. Both devices have been updated with 5G connectivity, a feature that is offered on the iPad as an option.
Apple introduced new iPhone SE and iPad Air with 5G connectivity
Apple has just unveiled a new version of the iPhone SE and the fifth generation of the iPad Air. The new 4.7-inch iPhone SE 3 retains its design similar to the iPhone 6, while the new 10.9-inch iPad Air visually approaches the iPad Pro. Both devices have been updated with 5G connectivity, a feature that is offered on the iPad as an option.
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