El primer ministro irlandés aboga ante Trump por una cooperación mutuamente beneficiosa

Justin Trudeau disfrutó junto a su hija del show de Taylor Swift en Toronto
El primer ministro de Canadá asistió a una de las últimas fechas de la exitosa gira de la cantante estadounidense

La izquierda pide a Macron el Gobierno y la derecha advierte contra la entrada del LFI

Costa evita hablar sobre el caos en el Parlamento luso y de su caso ante la Justicia

Pakistani lawmakers elected Shahbaz Sharif as the new prime minister
The election had 174 votes in his favor, and he was the only contender, while the Imran Kahn party staged a strike in the National Assembly in protest

AIBA President discussed with Prime Minister of Uzbekistan development of boxing in the country
IOC, IPC Ready to Work With New Japanese Leader
(ATR) Yoshihide Suga chosen by parliament on Wednesday to succeed Shinzo Abe as prime minister of Japan.

Milan, Stockholm Deliver Final Appeals
(ATR) The two bidders for 2026 face the ultimate test today.

Milan 2026 Savors Public, Government Support
(ATR) The Winter Olympic bid from Italy wins key backing as IOC inspectors end visit. Brian Pinelli is in Milan.

Tessa Jowell, London 2012 Visionary
(ATR) Without Tessa Jowell, London 2012 might never have happened. Mark Bisson explains.