Inflation in Venezuela: the basic food basket increased by 46% in one year
Last March, the price stood at $471.16, according to the Documentation and Social Analysis Center of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers

Increasing the prices of the basic basket worries 7 out of 10 Colombians
In addition, 58% of Colombians believe that the country's economic situation has remained the same and 28% believe that it has worsened, while only 14% think it has improved

Your bread and coffee will cost you more: they expect a sharp increase in the price of food due to high wheat costs
According to the National Association of Bakery Suppliers (Anpropan), COVID-19 and the war between Russia and Ukraine have caused a 22% increase in the price of cereal

Rising food prices lead to high social costs: Banxico
The Bank of Mexico stressed that this situation could affect the inflation expectations of families

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