Hooded women of “Okupa” who took CNDH building will remain in prison in Santa Martha Acatitla
A supervising judge obtained the precautionary measure of pre-trial detention against the three women for their probable involvement in the crimes of qualified robbery and gang property damage
Emilio Lozoya will remain in jail; magistrate dismisses appeal against his pre-trial detention
The federal court confirmed that there are sufficient elements to assume that there is a risk of flight
Gang rape in Palermo: why the judge believes there was “a plan for mass sexual assault”
In the trial in custody, the magistrate explained that the six accused verified that the victim had no “ability to resist”. What was the key moment?
Gang rape in Palermo: prosecuted with pretrial detention and seized the six detainees
They are accused of “sexual abuse with carnal access, aggravated by the intervention of two or more persons” and “minor injuries”. The withholding imposed by the judge was $35 million
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Powerball: jugada ganadora y resultado del último sorteo
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Baloto: ganadores de este miércoles 18 de diciembre
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