El populista Milanovic es reelegido presidente de Croacia, según los sondeos a pie de urna

Mítines multitudinarios ponen fin a la campaña electoral en Indonesia

Marcela Mar revealed who she will support in the 2022 presidential election
The protagonists of Satan (2007) says she does not agree with “the extremes” and that is why she is clear about her vote in the first round
Marcela Mar revealed who she will support in the 2022 presidential election
The protagonists of Satan (2007) says she does not agree with “the extremes” and that is why she is clear about her vote in the first round
Armando Benedetti says that the only thing that would prevent Petro's arrival in the presidency is a 'crime' or an 'air crash'
Benedetti's trill was given prior to the publications about the candidate's visit to Ciénaga de Oro in the middle of his campaign tours

National Electoral Council asks mayors to report presidential propaganda in public space
Municipal leaders will have to send decrees issued, and report the fences and addresses where the candidates for the presidency have scheduled

Miguel Ángel Borja did not hide his support for Federico Gutiérrez and joined his presidential campaign
Taking advantage of the fact that he did not have to concentrate with his teammates in Barranquilla Junior this Saturday, April 23, Borja met with Alejandro Char to join Fico's campaign

Influencer Mauricio Rosero raised his voice on Twitter about the upcoming presidential elections
The Colombian opened up in his networks and made several of his followers reflect

Registrar announced that there will be double verification of forms E - 14 during the presidential elections
One of the most criticized mechanisms in the elections for the congressional elections, will have an extra check, prior to the preliminary results that will be issued on May 29.

Registrar will change voting juries of more than 5,000 polls with irregularities
By election day on May 29, more than 700,000 citizens will have to fulfill this important task. The drawing of the juries will be held again, to prevent the errors of the legislative elections from being resubmitted