“Tourism is not going to reach where populism and demagogy reign”: Duque launches new hints to Petro
The president again launched pullas against the opposition leader and presidential candidate of the Historical Pact, who is currently leading the voting intention polls
AMLO lashed out at Ernesto Zedillo: he remembered that he was the creator of Fobaproa and dismantled the railways
He also disqualified what was said by the former PRI president, who assured that the Latin American region is suffering from a “wave of populist and inept rulers” who have done a terrible management of the COVID-19 pandemic
“We have to defeat this 'three ps' authoritarianism more strongly”: Duque throws pullas at Petro
The president of Colombia once again referred to the “autocrats ruled by the three p's: populism, polarization and post-truth”, a concept in which he had pigeonholed the left-wing leader, less than two months after the first presidential round was held
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