Investigación: Los consumidores gastan los puntos de lealtad y el dinero en efectivo de forma diferente
Harvard Business Review Wake-Up Call Spanish

Crediterreno Infonavit : quel est le score pour accéder à ce financement
L'Institut a indiqué que la période maximale pour demander ce nouveau crédit est de 15 ans maximum.

Crediterreno Infonavit: what is the score to access this financing
The Institute reported that the maximum period to apply for this new credit is up to 15 years

United World Wrestling Implements Scoring Improvements for Freestyle
United World Wrestling has announced a handful of scoring modifications for freestyle and women’s wrestling. The reforms follow the recent success of similar changes in Greco-Roman wrestling.
WTF Taekwondo Now Closer to Fans
Starting this November, all fans, the media, national federations, coaches, athletes and their relatives are able to easily find all athletes who have earned WTF World Ranking and Olympic Ranking points; the WTF Profile.