El "mermaidcore", la tendencia del verano que rescata a las sirenas como musas de la moda
This app allows you to create 3D models with the iPhone camera
The tool also lets you publish and sell photos taken in an application called SketchFab

Cette application vous permet de créer des modèles 3D avec la caméra de l'iPhone
L'outil vous permet également de publier et de vendre des photos prises dans une application appelée SketchFab.

Guide pour flouter l'arrière-plan d'une photo avec Google
Avec l'outil Google Photos, vous pouvez vous concentrer uniquement sur une personne, des animaux, des plantes, des aliments ou même un objet

Guide to blur the background of a photo with Google
With the Google Photos tool you can focus only on a person, animals, plants, food or even an object

Young Reporters Learn Skills at YOG
(ATR) Veteran journalists mentor young reporters at the Youth Olympic Games, in an IOC-run program.

Sputnik Wins Istanbul Photo Awards for Fencing
Alexey Filippov, of Sputnik news agency, has won the third prize in the Story Sports category.
First Look at New SportAccord Convention Location - Photodesk
(ATR) ATR was on-the-scene with International Federations to check out the convention center hosting SportAccord in April.

Basketball at Carioca Arena -- ATR TV
(ATR) The Rio 2016 Olympic basketball court has been tested and is athlete approved.

Norwegian Sports Awards Gala -- Photodesk
(ATR) Prince Haakon was a headliner at the Norwegian Sports Awards Gala on Jan. 9 to honor Norway’s elite athletes.