'Monstero de Chiclayo' would belong to pedophilia network, according to victim's lawyer
Videos found by agents of the Peruvian National Police, together with the statements of the confessed sexual aggressor, would syndicate him to a criminal network dedicated to the publication or exchange of images of minors.
Colombian priest was captured in Italy for pedophilia at Easter
Two families reported Carlos Arcos Pérez to the authorities for alleged sexual behavior against minors
World's largest child porn site was dismantled after bitcoin crawl
The administrator and consumers trusted that blockchain transactions were secure, so they never hid their real identity when using them to buy sexually abusive content from minors
رفع مشتهي الأطفال دعوى قضائية ضد فندق لسداد أمواله بعد سجنه أثناء إقامته بتهمة الاعتداء الجنسي على طفل
أدين الرجل البالغ من العمر 73 عامًا في عام 2019 بثلاث تهم بإساءة معاملة قاصر، وبعد ثلاث سنوات لا يزال يدعي خلال اليومين الأخيرين حجزوا في الفندق الذي استأجره للمحاكمة.
Pedofilo ha fatto causa a un albergo per il rimborso dei suoi soldi dopo essere stato imprigionato durante il suo soggiorno per aver abusato sessualmente di un bambino
L'uomo di 73 anni è stato condannato nel 2019 per tre capi d'accusa per abusi nei confronti di un minore, tre anni dopo sostiene ancora per gli ultimi due giorni prenotati nell'albergo che aveva affittato per il processo.
Pedophile sued a hotel for reimbursement of his money after he was imprisoned during his stay for sexually abusing a child
The 73-year-old man was convicted in 2019 on three counts of abuse against a minor, three years later he still claims for the last two days booked at the hotel he rented for trial.
Un pédophile a poursuivi un hôtel pour obtenir le remboursement de son argent après qu'il eut été emprisonné pendant son séjour pour avoir abusé sexuellement d'un enfant
L'homme de 73 ans avait été reconnu coupable en 2019 de trois chefs d'accusation de maltraitance contre un mineur, trois ans plus tard, il revendique toujours pour les deux derniers jours réservés à l'hôtel qu'il louait pour son procès.
Pedófilo processou um hotel por reembolso de seu dinheiro depois que ele foi preso durante sua estadia por abusar sexualmente de uma criança
O homem de 73 anos foi condenado em 2019 por três acusações de abuso contra um menor, três anos depois ele ainda reivindica pelos últimos dois dias reservados no hotel que alugou para julgamento.