Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez assured that Colombia does not intend to break relations with Russia

The vice president of Colombia made it clear that diplomacy between the two countries will continue, despite the Russian ambassador's comments on the Duque Government and criticism of the implementation of the Peace Accords at the UN
Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez assured that Colombia does not intend to break relations with Russia

UBPD has recovered 29 bodies that would correspond to missing persons in Puerto Berrío, Antioquia

The Unit for the Search for Persons Disappeared (UBPD) carried out the findings between March 27 and April 3, within the framework of the Magdalena Medio-Ports Search Plan
UBPD has recovered 29 bodies that would correspond to missing persons in Puerto Berrío, Antioquia

JEP asks MINDefensa for information on actions to protect former FARC combatants

The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) asked the portfolio headed by the minister, Diego Molano, to provide information regarding the strategies being implemented to ensure the security of the signatories of the Final Peace Agreement
JEP asks MINDefensa for information on actions to protect former FARC combatants

“Count on us always for peace, never ever for war”: Timochenko to Petro and Francia Márquez

The former commander of the demobilized FARC guerrilla and president of the Common Party told the candidates for the presidency of Colombia through the Historical Pact that the collective of ex-combatants will support them
“Count on us always for peace, never ever for war”: Timochenko to Petro and Francia Márquez

Gustavo Petro accepted that he could meet with Juan Manuel Santos: “We need him with us”

The presidential candidate also said that he does not rule out rapprochements with other political sectors; even, he said, if it is in matters of peace, he would even meet with Álvaro Uribe
Gustavo Petro accepted that he could meet with Juan Manuel Santos: “We need him with us”