Argentinien verschiebt die Schuldenzahlung beim Paris Club


Argentina postpones debt payment with Paris Club


Il governo ha convenuto con il Club di Parigi di posticipare la scadenza di 2 miliardi di dollari prevista per il 31 marzo

Il Ministero dell'Economia ha dichiarato che l'Argentina discuterà nuovi termini e tassi con questo consorzio di paesi creditori dopo che il consiglio del FMI avrà dato il via libera al programma finanziario
Il governo ha convenuto con il Club di Parigi di posticipare la scadenza di 2 miliardi di dollari prevista per il 31 marzo

The Government agreed with the Paris Club to postpone the expiry of USD 2 billion scheduled for March 31

The Ministry of Economy said that Argentina will discuss new terms and rates with this consortium of creditor countries after the IMF board gives the green light to the financial program
The Government agreed with the Paris Club to postpone the expiry of USD 2 billion scheduled for March 31

Die Regierung vereinbarte mit dem Pariser Club, den für den 31. März geplanten Ablauf von 2 Milliarden US-Dollar zu verschieben

Das Wirtschaftsministerium teilte mit, dass Argentinien mit diesem Konsortium von Gläubigerländern neue Bedingungen und Zinssätze besprechen werde, nachdem der IWF-Vorstand grünes Licht für das Finanzprogramm gegeben hat.
Die Regierung vereinbarte mit dem Pariser Club, den für den 31. März geplanten Ablauf von 2 Milliarden US-Dollar zu verschieben

O governo concordou com o Clube de Paris para adiar o vencimento de USD 2 bilhões previsto para 31 de março

O Ministério da Economia disse que a Argentina discutirá novos termos e taxas com este consórcio de países credores depois que o conselho do FMI der luz verde ao programa financeiro.
O governo concordou com o Clube de Paris para adiar o vencimento de USD 2 bilhões previsto para 31 de março

Martín Guzmán in France: hermetic agenda and an offer to convince the Paris Club

After closing an agreement with the Monetary Fund, the head of the Treasury would have a proposal to seduce bankers in Paris. They want the leaks not to get in the way of Friday's meeting where the IMF board will discuss the agreement
Martín Guzmán in France: hermetic agenda and an offer to convince the Paris Club

After negotiating with the IMF, Guzmán travels to France to postpone the payment of the Paris Club debt: what proposal does he have and why he could move forward

The head of the Treasury Palace will try to refinance a liability of 1515 million dollars for seven years and two years of grace, in line with the deferral of the debt agreed with the Fund
After negotiating with the IMF, Guzmán travels to France to postpone the payment of the Paris Club debt: what proposal does he have and why he could move forward