Cali joined the Vaccination Week of the Americas
The initiative, promoted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), aims to promote vaccination throughout the region. It will be held from this Saturday 23rd to April 30th
Minsalud will change pneumococcal vaccine nationwide for a more effective one
The announcement was made to accommodate the recommendations of the National Committee for Immunization Practices, following changes in the types of bacteria that generate infections
Colon cancer is the third with the highest number of new cases among both sexes in Colombia
According to the National Cancer Institute of Colombia, between 80 and 90 percent of cases of this type of cancer are suffered by people over 50 years of age.
Uruguay nominated its Minister of Health to lead the Pan American Organization
His work during the COVID-19 pandemic made Daniel Salinas one of the most valued officials in Luis Lacalle Pou's cabinet
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Una científica experimentó en sí misma para tratar su cáncer y funcionó
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